
Our mission is to ensure astronauts (career, tourists and any professionals spending significant time in space) can perform their duties at the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats, providing a truly interdisciplinary service to our clients and developing architectural space radiation shielding to ensure safe space exploration by humans with possible auxiliary activities.

Astro Space Architecture is here to help with systems engineering questions keeping human factors in mind, to design space habitats and to fill the gap between disciplines. As time spent in microgravity is getting longer than ever, and not only are professional astronauts (who have spent years  training to deal with anything and endure everything) expected to be launched into orbit and deep space, it is no longer enough to simply keep humans alive. The extended time has an unavoidable effect on cognitive performance if not addressed by design. This made industry leading organisations, like NASA and Axiom Space  acknowledge the need of architects (human factors system engineers) within their team to serve the engineers.

Apart from the need for habitability perspective, Astro SpArch has been developing several architectural radiation shieldings for deep space to ensure the safe exploration outside of our atmosphere’s protective environment. Rigid structures like the International Space Station’s pressurised module or inflated space structures, we’ve got you covered. Even satellites can be protected and powered by the shielding. We are dedicated to resolve any issue using our collective knowledge which we continue to widen on a regular basis.


To ensure astronauts (career, tourists and any professionals spending significant time in space) can perform their duties on the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats.


To see safe human exploration of deep space, our solar system and decreasing amount of debris orbiting Earth, both enabled by our space radiation shielding.


We consider honesty as the key to a business. While knowledge and the will to learn new things are essential in the space sector. Also, different educational, cultural and disciplinary backgrounds provide unconventional solutions.