Space Architecture, R&D

Astro SpArch

Our mission is to ensure astronauts (career, tourists and any professionals spending significant time in space) can perform their duties at the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats, providing a truly interdisciplinary service to our clients and developing architectural space radiation shieldings (patents pending) to ensure safe space exploration by humans with possible auxiliary activities.

8 June - SATC Gathering (Hybrid event)

As a newly accepted member of AIAA's Space Architecture Technical Committee, Esther Gulacsi, our CEO, will join esteemed space architect colleagues to talk about the work Astro SpArch is doing.

Click on the image on the left to register for free. Join the event online and listen to the presentations.

13-21 July - COSPAR 2024

Our paper on "How is space radiation not a showstopper and why humans have always accepted the risk of exploration" in the series of design solutions to tackle space radiation in collaboration with Olga Bannova (Director of SICSA at the University of Houston) will be presented by Dr Bannova in Korea at the COSPAR 2024.

We hope you can attend the presentation and join the discussion.

14-18 October - IAC Milan

We will be at the International Astronautical Congress in Milan.
We hope to see you there.

Space Radiation experiment at the NASA Space Radiation Lab (NSRL) - 13-22 May 2024

We had the opportunity to test our technologies' capability of radiation reduction against Galactic Cosmic Rays simulation at the NSRL lab at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. It was wonderful to be able to learn from the nuclear and particle physicists at NSRL and collaborate with them to improve the details of the radiation experiment to get useful data that helps us develop our radiation shieldings.
For further details please click on the image to see the posts on LinkedIn.

IEEE EUROCON - 7 July 2023

The IEEE EUROCON2023 poster competition was an amazing experience for us at the Politecnico di Torino. We had the chance to introduce our business to a large audience, and answer lots of fungi questions.

Special thank you to Nirav Patel for bringing our poster design to life!

IAF Spring Meeting 2023

Although only virtually (our CEO, Eszter Gulacsi is on the big screen, 3rd row in the middle) but we attended the Space Habitat Committee meeting at the end of March 2023. The meeting was very informative, several interesting presentation to listen to, and Eszter Gulacsi was accepted as a new member.

Our website is still under construction, it keeps evolving with us.
Please bear with us while we correct all the glitches and mishaps.
Integration, testing and the rollout take some time but the launch will be worth the wait.
Feel free to reach out through LinkedIn ( or drop us an email.

We are here to support you and your engineers

Astro Space Architecture is here to help with systems engineering questions keeping the human factors in mind, to design space habitats and to fill the gap between disciplinaries.